
What is Important in Homeschooling?

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Have you ever wondered what truly is important in homeschooling? I like to ask myself that question every school year to se how we can improve our learning rhythm.

I’ve talked to several mothers who have wondered how to homeschool, what school books to use, how homeschooling is supposed to look, etc. The truth is there are many right ways to homeschool, and every families homeschool rhythm will be different! Also every child is different- how they learn, what their interests are, or what they want to do with their life after they graduate.

So keep in mind when considering homeschooling that there is no cookie cutter homeschool curriculum that meets the needs of every homeschool family.

Actually, many families use a variety of curriculums because while one curriculum may be great in math, their language arts curriculum stinks. This is the beauty of homeschool- being able to do what works for you and your child.

But there are some fundamental principles to homeschooling, that I feel are/should be universal to homeschooling. Some may or may not agree with me on these principles that I feel are essential, but I wanted to bring some things to the attention of homeschool families who are either currently homeschooling, or are just starting on a new chapter in their child’s education journey.

So…. here we go!!!!!

Brown Numbers Cutout Decors

Let’s start with math.

Math is something we use in our day to day living. If you cook, you’re using fractions. Grocery shopping and budgeting requires a correct concept of money. Dr. appointments are based on measurements of time, and time is read in numeric form. The calendar requires that you know how to count. Though I do wonder if people can read the speed limit signs, a right concept of numbers, feet, miles, etc. is important when it comes to navigating the highway. Just to name a few.

Many occupations require that you know some math. Restaurants have cash registers, Carpenters use tape measurers, Hospitals need people who understand what a milliliter is, and Computer Programmers use math to solve problems.

If your child ever wants to run their own business, or any business job for that matter, they will need to be efficient in basic math skills.

I realize that there are many gadgets that make it appear unnecessary to even learn multiplication tables, but there are times, though we don’t realize it, that being able to figure math without a device in our hands is essential. Your child will more than likely land them a decent job if they can perform basic math skills.

boy in white long sleeve shirt writing on white paper


Being able to write is very important! Most people write at least one thing down every day!

Applying for a job would be very hard if you do not know how to write. Writing messages for a missed phone call, sending sick family members a card, decorating a cake, or making a grocery list would be impossible.

We wouldn’t have any historical documents to read and hold our government accountable to if no one could write, nor would we be able to hold the health care field accountable for medical treatments if no one wrote a patients rights document.

We live in a day where everything is digital, and no one feels the need to even know how to spell the simplest word. But if the electric grid (which is so terribly outdated that an enemy country would only have to blow on it for it to completely collapse) did bite the dust, writing will be essential to manage day to day tasks.

Journaling is very relaxing and beneficial for some children’s emotional health, and many well known people throughout history kept a journal. People that learn best by taking notes would be lost if they weren’t able to write down their thoughts on paper.

I know curriculums and school systems are doing away with writing even as early as the 5th grade (or maybe earlier) and placing iPads in the hands of students, but writing has been proven by science to be a necessary activity for proper brain development.

Concerning landing a job, employers see job candidates who possess goo writing skills as intelligent, professional, and organized. They also tend to believe that they are more credible, since solid writing skills imply that the writer is competent in their field of knowledge.

Learning cursive is also something I feel is very important because our constitution and other important historical documents are written in cursive. If children can not read cursive, then they will have to accept what other people tell them about some aspects of history, and we know for a fact our schools are wanting to change how the next generation views history.

girl sitting while reading book

Ah! The wonderful world of reading!

Is it really that important that children read well?

Everyday we read something. The news, books, cooking recipes, directions, the fast food sign, etc. Reading is necessary when you are signing your name on the privacy policy at the doctors office. Most occupations require that you are able to read, which is essential to your child’s ability to take care of themselves when they are on their own.

If we couldn’t read, we would have to rely on whatever someone else told us, and hope it was truthful. Native American chiefs signed their land away because they could not read the treaties, and just believed what they were told to be true.

Reading improves your child’s vocabulary, and your ability to spell. It helps with your comprehension of things around you, develops necessary critical thinking skills, and sharpens your memory. It helps your child socialize by sharing what they have read with others, and builds self esteem by having acquired knowledge that others deem worthy of respect.

Bible reading/studying is essential for the human soul, mind, and spirit, and if no one could read, the most valuable book in the world would be tossed aside, only to allow evil to prevail in young minds and hearts.

A socialistic society wants poor readers, because then they will not understand where they came from, and why they are here. They will blindly follow the government, because they cannot read important historical documents and scripture.

Wait what? You think History is important??

YES! History is extremely important! Just follow the current news of our day. What are they trying to do away with? Historical monuments, all history prior to the civil war, a respect and appreciation for our founding fathers, important holidays like Columbus Day, the severity of the Holocaust, etc.


Is it because they truly don’t think it is necessary?

Or something deeper?

I feel it is something deeper. All socialist countries have to erase history. If children know their history, they will know:

  • 1.) History repeats itself, for the better or for the worst.
  • 2.) They are being fed a diet of socialistic ideas.
  • 3.) Government hand-outs are not free.
  • 4.) Our country was founded on Biblical Principles.
  • 5.) The root of all social ills (removing Biblical principles from society, i.e. the Ten Commandments).
  • 6.) the list goes on

Did you know China, Russia, and North Koreas were Christian nations? Probably not, since they erased any history prior to their existence that condemned and exposed their tyranny.

My 10 year son is a vocal history buff, so if the priviledge to homeschool is ever removed from our society, the public school system will have their hands full!

A Girl Holding a Microscope


“Believe the Science!” was a popular slogan thrown around in 2020 when the plandemic hit.

But what is science?

The headlines are full of people’s opinions of what should be fact or relevant truth. Children are more confused now than ever on what is foundational. (Many things that are called science currently in public school systems are nothing more than socialistic agendas designed to take full control of the minds and lives of the American people).

The best science curriculum is science that can be experienced. Want to teach botany, the food group, and how to preserve food at the same time? Grow a garden. Does Astronomy interest your child? Invest in a telescope, learn why people used to plant according to the moon, and see if you can navigate using the stars. Is Meteorology on your agenda? Learn the different signs of impending rain, how local animals tell signs of a coming hard winter, and when it is best to set sail. The construction field is full of science (and math!). Grow an herb garden and learn the medicinal purposes of different local plants (we may need to know that in a few years, seriously.)

I feel science lessons should be useful to our daily life, something that can be experienced, and something to be enjoyed.

I teach Science from a Biblical worldview, because I feel that is the only way science makes sense. If we evolved from monkeys, shouldn’t we see evolution in different stages- like 25% ape 75% man, or half and half? Since when did a big explosion create anything? I’ve seen a lot of big explosions destroy stuff. Shouldn’t science constantly repeat itself?

Just a thought 🙂

Woman in Blue Shirt Holding Girl in White Shirt

Life Skills

Did you know there was a poll conducted on how many college students could do their own laundry? I don’t remember the exact percentage, but is was very low!

We can get so lopsided in our children’s education and training that we produce 18 year olds with a 4.0 but can not function in day to day tasks. Children by age 16 should know how to use a screwdriver, change a tire, mow their lawn, budget their money, manage their time, fill out a resume, set an alarm clock, cook from scratch, do their laundry, organize a closet, etc. I think you get my point.

A teacher that came to view my children’s work a few years ago was shocked at all the life skills my 5 and 7 year old had under their belt. She said she sees so many homeschool families who are failing to train their children in necessary life skills.

It takes extra time to teach children the life skills they will need for life, but it builds their confidence, self esteem, and ability to put their academic skills to use.

2 boys sitting on swing during daytime


Or I supposed it’s proper title is “Physical Education”, but our children should be moving for periods of time everyday.

Riding bikes, swimming, hiking, playing at the park, etc are all great activities for young growing bodies. Play grounds are becoming a thing of the past in the public school arena throughout some parts of the country, but children were meant to spend much time playing and running around! It strengths their muscles, heart and lungs. Studies show it reduces the risk of depression, and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Healthy eating is important for maintaining a health weight, but equally so is physical exercise.

Heading outdoors even for 15 minute breaks will do wonders for a child’s focus during learning time!

Playing in competitive sports like basket ball, archery, or martial arts help boost a child’s self esteem and aid them in learning how to work as part of a team.

Send those children outdoors mama!

Person in White Sweater Holding Brown Leather Book

The B-I-B-L-E!

A right concept of who God is, why we are here, where we are going, right and wrong, consequences, etc are found in God’s precious Word. The Bible used to be taught in the public schools, until 1963. This opened the door wide open to guns, drugs, free sex, and disrespect for authority.

The Bible helps us navigate through this life. Much unhappiness can be avoid by applying biblical principles to ones life even if they aren’t a christian. It encourages honesty, a good work ethic, kindness, and respect. It’s teaching would rid any society of unwanted ills if it were embraced by the people in it.

Not all Bible curriculums are created equal. Some Bible translations should also be avoided. Finding a solid curriculum can be challenging, but will prove to be a great asset to your homeschool routine.

assorted animal plush toys on white wooden shelf

Should Homeschool Keep Up With Public School?

This is a controversial issue. Some feel it should keep up with, or perform above public school levels, some feel it should be only at the child’s pace, and to a certain extent, according to the child’s interests (unschooling approach).

My feelings?

I admire the unschooling homeschool approach. Having child led lesson plans without deadlines and grades sounds very relaxed and stress free. If I could make sure that everything I taught (language and math) kept inline with what would be expected of my child with the correlating grade level in the public school system, I definitely would do that.

Let me explain my position on this big debate of aligning homeschool with public school. I do not use the traditional learning approach that is embraced in the public school systems.

Nor do I do online schooling. (Side note: If you can only do online with your child, you are not a failure! You are doing your best to keep your child from the clutches of public school agenda, and that is something to be proud of!).

I prefer a Charlotte Mason style approach, where child learn through living books, and experience learning, not just sitting behind a desk being lectured for 5 hours. I enjoy science unit studies where we learn as a family.



Life is uncertain- just this past week 4 men around ages 30-40 I either knew or knew of in my county dropped over dead. Instantly. Homeschooling may not always we a guaranteed right. The government is currently gearing up for an attack on homeschoolers. My mom told me about an article in the news that said homeschoolers are racist and are trying to dismantle public schools.

If our government continues in it’s current tumbleweed, will homeschooling be around in 5-10 years? Many homeschoolers learn real history and study science through a biblical worldview, which are both a threat to socialist and communist governments. It is not out of the realm of possibility that as our republic crumbles the government will begin to crack down on homeschooling to the extent that if your child isn’t performing at what they feel is satisfactory, they will be placed in public school against your will.

Some states do have strict rules for homeschooling. Here in Ohio, it is required that I either have a certified teacher sign off that my child is performing at their grade level, or take something like the CAT test that shows where they are at in comparison to their assigned grade level. My children are currently taking their CAT tests, and so far my fourth grader tests at 6th grade level, and my 5th grader tests at 8th grade level in language.

So, I prefer to use curriculum that supports my style of homeschooling, while also satisfying the expectations of the public school system.

Concerning Language and Math.

I know my science and history curriculums would make any anti religious person cringe, but these two subjects are not the deciding factor on whether they are placed in second grade or fifth grade.

*For those of you that are unschooling, and keeping up with your child’s grade level, I admire you very much! My husband could unschool our kids with no problem. I however have not reached that plateau 😊.

Mother and Son Drawing

To Sum Things Up

Homeschooling is a wonderful privilege we have to utilize in preparing our children for life! There are so many ways to homeschool, and more curriculums than ever in the history of home education. It should be a fun, learning experience for children and parents to journey together!

This article reflects my opinions on what is important in homeschooling. What are your thoughts?

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